
        State of JEFFERSON: the Wild West

honoring Thomas Jefferson: the greatest man in America

Jefferson Lynx is as elusive as a Sasquatch, and almost as rare.

This is Kitty!   Kitty is a Jefferson Lynx living in the county of Peter Lassen. Kitty is the official Mascot of the State of Jefferson, USA.

Jefferson Lynx is a wild Cat found in the northern California Coast Mountain ranges north of Legget, including the Salmon Mountains, and on into the southwest Oregon mountains. You might know this is prime Sasquatch territory. Jefferson Lynx is also found in the southern Cascade Mountains, especially in the Mt Shasta area, and on into the extreme north end of the Sierra Nevada Mountains (including YHWH-land, where they were first recognized, described and named). They like to be found in forests with easily climbable trees for escaping Eagles, Lions, and Coyote/Wolf packs. They live at one mile or more elevation, except when they are near the Pacific Coast, where it is cooler in summer. This whole range area is within the State of Jefferson (far northern California and southern Oregon).

When it has the long thick winter fur coat a Jefferson Lynx [Lynx yhwh] looks very much like a Canada Lynx [Lynx canadensis]. However there are many expert authorities who state the Canada Lynx has never, does not, and will never live in California or Oregon or Jefferson. Canada Lynx is found across Canada and Alaska. They say it is too dry, too hot, there are too many Bears and Lions and Coyotes, no Snowshoe Hares, and so forth why it is impossible to see a Canada Lynx in California or Jefferson. Canada Lynx is not on California's Dept of Fish and Wildlife Special Animals database, which includes Jefferson. We are not arguing with any of them. They are the authorities, and so they must be correct. Therefore the large Lynx Cat species which does live here in the State of Jefferson is a different species.

Like a Canada Lynx, Jefferson Lynx has a black tail bob (white on the bottom), furry paws, black-tipped ruffles, the top of the ears are black with a long tuft of black hair, and both turn their heads when chewing. Jefferson Lynx has shorter fur which is more likely to be dark-spotted on the belly and legs. Their longer winter coat tends to hide the spots. This way their camoflage pattern changes with the seasons. Jefferson Lynx has smaller feet than Canada Lynx but both are quite furry. Jefferson Lynx spends a lot less time in the snow so it does not need huge feet and light weight. And so Jefferson Lynx tends to be larger and heavier than a Canada Lynx. As a typical female young adult Kitty is 22-inches tall with a 25-inch stride and 2.5-inch paw prints. Large male Jefferson Lynx have been reported at six feet from nose to tail, so it is a bit larger than Canada Lynx, but still much smaller than Mountain Lions. Jefferson Lynx eats whatever it wants. Cottontail Rabbits are terrified of them. Coyotes avoid them.

When it has the thin summer coat a Jefferson Lynx looks very much like an extra-large America Lynx [Lynx rufus]. America Lynx used to be known as: Wildcat. Later when people became familiar with their hunting habits, they became known as: Bob-Tail Cat. That has since been shortened to their current common name: Bobcat. When creeping up on prey the Bobcat sticks his tail out sideways and bobs it up and down. The obvious white moving thing distracts the prey so it does not see the face of the Bobcat creeping closer. The name does not come from the shortness of the tail. America Lynx has a longer tail than Canada Lynx and Jefferson Lynx. The tail bobs become darker in winter so as to have better contrast against a snowy background. America Lynx and Jefferson Lynx both have a white mark on the back of the ear, and a black bar below that. Both tend to have dark bars on the forelegs on the short summer coat. Canada Lynx and Jefferson Lynx only have spots on the bottom half of their body, if they have any, America Lynx can also have spots on the top half. America Lynx has shorter legs, a short ear tuft, and a primarily white tail bob (black on top). America Lynx is found throughout the State of Jefferson and across the mainland USA and most of Mexico. Coyotes eat them.

The primary defining difference between Canada Lynx and America Lynx is the length of the tuft of hair on the ears. Canada Lynx has longer legs and a shorter tail. The color of the tail bob, bars on the forelegs, etc, are variable and on both species. Canada Lynx perpetually wears the longer winter coat which hides the bars and makes the tail blacker. For both species the ear tufts and the ruffles get longer in winter. America Lynx can get big when they are old, not when they are young. America Lynx usually look like extra-large Housecats. Kitty looks more like a small Lion.

150 years ago Jefferson Lynx was considered common and plentiful. Then the fur trappers came and began executing them for the fur. The few remaining animals crawled way back into the woods, becoming wary of men and their traps and tricks. When the Jefferson Lynx was thought to be extinct the fur trappers moved north into Canada. To this day they are still executing thousands of Canada Lynx every year for the fur. The few remaining Jefferson Lynx have now increased their population to a more sustainable amount, perhaps 150-300 Cats. There are five Lynx species of Cat existing. All appear similar to each other with the main differences being size and range. As you can see, each is named for the area where it lives.
Canada Lynx [Lynx canadensis]
Iberian Lynx [Lynx pardinus]
America Lynx [Lynx rufus]
Eurasian Lynx [Lynx lynx]
Jefferson Lynx [Lynx yhwh]

Jefferson Lynx is the Official Animal and Mascot of the State of Jefferson, USA. It is illegal to capture, trap, cage, leash, restrain, detain, transport, export, own, buy, sell, exploit, de-fur, harass, molest, threaten, torment, torture, terrorize, abuse, injure, or kill a Jefferson Lynx. It is also illegal to import or transport a Canada Lynx into the State of Jefferson. The State of Jefferson aggressively persecutes and prosecutes everyone guilty of violating the rights of a Jefferson Lynx [Lynx yhwh] or a Bigfoot [Homo Sasquatch].


        State of JEFFERSON: the Wild West

honoring Thomas Jefferson: the greatest man in America

Bigfoot [Homo Sasquatch] is not just an animal, he is one of us. Every resident Bigfoot is a legal citizen of the State of Jefferson, USA. In the State of Jefferson, people of the species Homo Sasquatch are accorded all the same rights and privileges as a Homo Sapiens. It is illegal to capture, trap, cage, leash, restrain, detain, transport, import, export, own, buy, sell, exploit, harass, molest, terrorize, threaten, torment, torture, abuse, rape, injure, or kill a Homo Sasquatch. Bigfoot does not want to live in a zoo or be sampled by scientists. The penalty for violating the rights of a Homo Sasquatch is equal to violating the rights of a Homo Sapiens. The State of Jefferson recognizes we are all different, but we are all human beings.


        State of JEFFERSON: the WILD West

honoring Thomas Jefferson: the greatest man in America

In the State of Jefferson people enjoy living in peace and harmony. If you enjoy being mean and inflicting yourself upon people and animals, the State of Jefferson strongly recommends you move to a different place, maybe Russia. If you stay here you will likely be living the rest of your life in a prison cell. Illegal aliens [Homo wetback] have the right to remain outside of the USA. Illegal aliens who trespass into the State of Jefferson have the right to be shot on sight.